Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Words of Me- Sick

So- It's been a long few weeks with school and being sick... On my birthday...

But anywho!
Wow- After 5 years of college and changing from a Studio Arts major to 
an Applied Computer Graphics major I'm graduating...

Kind of weird I have to say. I'm about to leave the 'Day Care' system
and go out into the world to learn a whole bunch of new skills. 



A little over 2 months- WOW.
When my parents told me that time would fly I didn't think they meant it would fly this fast. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Alien Crew Remake

While working with an independent game group
I got the assignment of designing an alien crew. 
When I was first given this assignment they gave me several base ideas for each character.
These were the results-

A few weeks later I was given the freedom of making an alien animal assistant 
for the mechanic/ shop girl

This was my result-

Well turned out they liked it so much they wanted me to remake all the main characters as I imaged them. 
At first I wasn't sure what to do with no serious direction-
but then I went at it!

Stuck with simple flat colors and lots of doodling.
They turned out pretty well. 

As of now I'm waiting for feedback on the designs!