Friday, December 21, 2012


Everyone had something to help then relax and get through the last 2 weeks of school and deal with finals.
Some go out a party. Some drink and nap, I draw.

Well, design to be more specific.
Fall 2012, during the last 2 weeks of school I took up designing these little creatures to help me relax.
I call them the Feith's.

 Funny thing about these two.  
They are actually the same character. 
The one on the left was the very first one I designed for this series. I originally was thinking to bring in a subtle under-design of human into the image, but moving into the second design (The Wasp Orchid) I realized I wanted to drop the human idea and stick with just the plants and insects. 
7 designs later I chose to redesign my first creation and focus him more on the plant and creature that were chosen for him. 
A Corn Poppy and Praying Mantis!







At the moment there are 13 of these characters.
Down the line I hope to work with them more